Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tucked Up in the Mountains

Photos by: Genvieve Levesque-Mumford..
sorry no french keypad.....her beautiful website        
First of all props to all the amazing and wonderful artist/friends from Montreal that threw themselves into this project for me.....Not that it wasn't a really good time, but you never know and you have to trust...(like running into Max at the Snack and Blues bar! what amazing luck/only good things happen there, eh Felix wink wink)
To Ellen Smallwood for graphic design performance and writing the beautiful theme song, from which originated "Tucked up in the Mountains"...the mediation between my vulgarity and my father's offense at Fucked Up.....Ahh but there it is...into the world the truth! 

Ellen and I as bitchy highschoolers(which we pretty much are)

My favorite played by Allison Elizabeth Burns(who was amazing)

My beautiful trees, into which went three months of my life, a much appreciated breakup(something to brew over while glue gunning!) and another layer of the hardwood floor in the back room!

Where are they now?(sigh)
The reality is large paper sculptures end up in the recycling.....or the living rooms of kind people.
I hope they become colored paper for pre-schoolers in the next life or sticky mango boxes that could be fun?

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