Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Organs Donors

Thinking about the United States....the Arizona shooting, Rep. Christina Giffords and the little girl who's parents donated her organs after she was shot in the spree...She saved a little girl and gave sight to two other children. Is it possibly the most beautiful of poetry....To enable another through your loss...
I just became an organ donor, it is a bizarre moment; when you must decide what organs to give...Skin, liver, heart...are there preferences?...I know I cringed a little at skin.....the stripping of my surface.... the body....the organ membrane that I will, once have felt through.....whereas the other internals somehow are just romantic ideas and globs of purple that we pull out from the turkey(good soup base)....

This mask is about the kidney sisters.......
Gladys and Jamie Scott.......funny I don't know who is whom but I always imagine the one on the right is the donator......she offered the donation as a condition of her parole....it must be complied to within the year

Jamie Scott, 36, is on dialysis, which officials say costs the state about $200,000 a year 

The Scotts were convicted in 1994 of an armed robbery in central Mississippi the year before. The robbery didn't net much; amounts cited have ranged from $11 to $200.
Lumumba(the lawyer) said the women hope to get government-funded health insurance in Florida and begin the needed steps to make the transplant happen. He said a few doctors have expressed interest in performing the kidney transplant, but there are no firm plans yet. And the sisters need to undergo testing to make sure they are compatible. 

It is a tragic story...sixteen years for under two hundred dollars...if she's 34....that means they were 18....it makes you think about the penitentiary and the health care system....I haven't developed the ideas yet ...it is always interesting, to try and pin down details through the simplisticity of articles and try to define truth, fiction and over-blown-ness...also ....the brutality often inflicted on a story by its headlines..
but the imagery.....for now....... is quite beautiful!

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