Sunday, January 30, 2011

Annie Lapin

I love her smearing, matched by the beautiful composition and palette...mixed with a light, spontaneous painterly application. The moments of realism like the perfect woman in the back of perverts being gawked at be the streaked bulging flesh of the nude. Then only re-conceives and perhaps it is the realistic woman who is out of place and atrocious, giving the shifty eye, touching herself while wading fully clothed in the back ground, her hand illustratively outlined in black, popping from the folds of her white cotton crotch.

Couple Of Narcissists
2008. Oil on synthetic canvas. 51 x 30 inces 

Cast Halving
2008. Oil on panel. 96 x 69 inches

 Older Boys
2007. Casein and oil on panel. 60 x 54 inches

She's definitely a painter that you could say uses paint 
like a magician I love that way she talks about her work
"This component of the painting, the face painted without depth, alludes to Byzantine iconographic space, which was reserved for holy imagery. I call the work Land Gods, because I think that this painting also reflects the multiple ways that people look at the land, as something alternately animated, sublime, or simply as real estate. All these ideas about the landscape haunt our minds any time we conceive of or look at the terrain around us. They are like ghosts... or gods."

Night Performance
2008. Oil and casein on canvas. 47 x 33 inches 

Merge Down
2008. Oil on canvas. 72 x 96 inches

The Front Runners
2008. Casein, oil, acrylic and wax crayon on panel

2009. Oil on canvas. 36 x 48 inches

More images below at these links

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