Saturday, January 29, 2011


This was the problem/how it started

Unfortunately I yelled over to the beautiful trimaran, "Est-ce que vous parlez francais?"
Apparently I think everyone is french...

No, the top one is the French flag and the bottom is the Dutch...... which was the flag actually hanging from the stern of his boat...General knowledge lacking
It's always mistakes that make us meet the most interesting people, coupled with the courage to say, (after embarassing oneself) "why don't you come over for dinner." So, the grizzled 61 year old Dutch sailor , came over to 290 southwind drive for meat pie, roast and mashed potatoes. Which her claimed was better than Campbells chunky soup!

 It was a raucous Mckenzie affair, even the new baby was there. 
Our seaman turned out to be;
Henk De Velde, the dutch sailor and self promotional artist, who has sailed around the world 6 times, each time a different route. Ending up in Galiano last Wednesday by way of the Bering sea....
He has made his life, through writing, minimal sponsorship and weather reporting while on his travels...
I wouldn't fathom telling his stories ...but there seems to be a large enough quantity on the link below.

and of course

moral:never stop talking to strangers...

Now sleep...bunk beds are unconducive .....makes this close to illiterate 

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