Monday, January 31, 2011

Basement paintings (Galiano island)

These are two of the paintings that I did while stranded on that itty bitty, island. It was a pleasure to be there, although I'm sure it would have been more fun in the summer...when it would be peopled.

A portrait of my father coming on vacation with me...

An attempt at bringing to life that essay on something horror forest and the sub-conscious...from the university days...I don't know if they're finished yet, but they could definitely be better 

I certainly notice the wide gap between the way I paint and the way those I admire paint......Time to loosen up and keep mixing paints

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Annie Lapin

I love her smearing, matched by the beautiful composition and palette...mixed with a light, spontaneous painterly application. The moments of realism like the perfect woman in the back of perverts being gawked at be the streaked bulging flesh of the nude. Then only re-conceives and perhaps it is the realistic woman who is out of place and atrocious, giving the shifty eye, touching herself while wading fully clothed in the back ground, her hand illustratively outlined in black, popping from the folds of her white cotton crotch.

Couple Of Narcissists
2008. Oil on synthetic canvas. 51 x 30 inces 

Cast Halving
2008. Oil on panel. 96 x 69 inches

 Older Boys
2007. Casein and oil on panel. 60 x 54 inches

She's definitely a painter that you could say uses paint 
like a magician I love that way she talks about her work
"This component of the painting, the face painted without depth, alludes to Byzantine iconographic space, which was reserved for holy imagery. I call the work Land Gods, because I think that this painting also reflects the multiple ways that people look at the land, as something alternately animated, sublime, or simply as real estate. All these ideas about the landscape haunt our minds any time we conceive of or look at the terrain around us. They are like ghosts... or gods."

Night Performance
2008. Oil and casein on canvas. 47 x 33 inches 

Merge Down
2008. Oil on canvas. 72 x 96 inches

The Front Runners
2008. Casein, oil, acrylic and wax crayon on panel

2009. Oil on canvas. 36 x 48 inches

More images below at these links

On the Bus to Horseshoe Bay

Today the express bus was cram packed with three foot tall brownies (pre-girlguides) and a gold miner from the Yukon, who was definitely as bush-whacked as
  ........Can you imagine........ 
The little brownies from Nanaimo had just awoken from their sleep-over in the aquarium
 with the beluga whales!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


This was the problem/how it started

Unfortunately I yelled over to the beautiful trimaran, "Est-ce que vous parlez francais?"
Apparently I think everyone is french...

No, the top one is the French flag and the bottom is the Dutch...... which was the flag actually hanging from the stern of his boat...General knowledge lacking
It's always mistakes that make us meet the most interesting people, coupled with the courage to say, (after embarassing oneself) "why don't you come over for dinner." So, the grizzled 61 year old Dutch sailor , came over to 290 southwind drive for meat pie, roast and mashed potatoes. Which her claimed was better than Campbells chunky soup!

 It was a raucous Mckenzie affair, even the new baby was there. 
Our seaman turned out to be;
Henk De Velde, the dutch sailor and self promotional artist, who has sailed around the world 6 times, each time a different route. Ending up in Galiano last Wednesday by way of the Bering sea....
He has made his life, through writing, minimal sponsorship and weather reporting while on his travels...
I wouldn't fathom telling his stories ...but there seems to be a large enough quantity on the link below.

and of course

moral:never stop talking to strangers...

Now sleep...bunk beds are unconducive .....makes this close to illiterate 

5am Bottom bunk

Too good to be true....U.S.A here I come!
Amtrak Discovery pass, one month of unlimited travel...
the plan San Francisco, L.A. and Santa Fe (with good intentions for Las Vegas, 
because you would be a fool not to( or to? ) )

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Organs Donors

Thinking about the United States....the Arizona shooting, Rep. Christina Giffords and the little girl who's parents donated her organs after she was shot in the spree...She saved a little girl and gave sight to two other children. Is it possibly the most beautiful of poetry....To enable another through your loss...
I just became an organ donor, it is a bizarre moment; when you must decide what organs to give...Skin, liver, heart...are there preferences?...I know I cringed a little at skin.....the stripping of my surface.... the body....the organ membrane that I will, once have felt through.....whereas the other internals somehow are just romantic ideas and globs of purple that we pull out from the turkey(good soup base)....

This mask is about the kidney sisters.......
Gladys and Jamie Scott.......funny I don't know who is whom but I always imagine the one on the right is the donator......she offered the donation as a condition of her must be complied to within the year

Jamie Scott, 36, is on dialysis, which officials say costs the state about $200,000 a year 

The Scotts were convicted in 1994 of an armed robbery in central Mississippi the year before. The robbery didn't net much; amounts cited have ranged from $11 to $200.
Lumumba(the lawyer) said the women hope to get government-funded health insurance in Florida and begin the needed steps to make the transplant happen. He said a few doctors have expressed interest in performing the kidney transplant, but there are no firm plans yet. And the sisters need to undergo testing to make sure they are compatible. 

It is a tragic story...sixteen years for under two hundred dollars...if she's 34....that means they were makes you think about the penitentiary and the health care system....I haven't developed the ideas yet is always interesting, to try and pin down details through the simplisticity of articles and try to define truth, fiction and over-blown-ness...also ....the brutality often inflicted on a story by its headlines..
but the imagery.....for now....... is quite beautiful!

An Ode to the Montreal apartment

Montreal you were good to me
Aleks Shurmer... responsible for the decor
I for the plants
The one in the corner eventually crept through the whole house..

Birthday gift from Sam!
Peace offering....

Art bathroom...and vanity quarter after eleven

Felix in the bedroom/ enchanted forest
Looking coy

found budgies

Things that can be missed

Will Vancouver ever have something this good to offer?

Teen Sleuth Videos

These are the two official Music Videos.......They are beautiful..... and one thing, that can be said, is that Ellen Smallwood pushes one's talents to the next level and is a great critic, with brilliant vision...Everything in the video was filmed in front of a green screen (fabricville chameleon green and neon shop lights) in the backroom of my lovely apartment (which is no longer( mine ) )..... Everything is handmade and the camera was the cheapest HD on the market...named cringe the bloggie...but it got us somewhere and I believe that these videos represent what a person can accomplish with zero means and much will-power....I am still madly in love with the Company of Man.... and will miss their evil sneers.....

Pine Tree/Circle Path

What I learned is that creative editing is a passionate affair...and the project led me back to school ...

The Black Circle Shuffle

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Concordia Painting 2009

These are all paintings from the summer I spent in school, biking from Le Vol de Nuit(Or staying and drinking way too much blanche beer with Jon and Lisa) to the VA building studios, then home to that bizarre loft space in Parc Extension.
Probably and surprisingly the most productive I had been in my whole university career...

winter semester 
version 1 of the Hitch hikers


Parc Drunks

Texas Chainsaw Massacre still

Summer semester

I was dealing with some vague ideas of territorialism and human relationships to flaura, fauna and wide dessert expanses. Also feminism, horror and ideas of representation....
The She-Owner

Banana PLantation


Boys and Toxic Grass


The Hitchhikers 2


Tucked Up 2

Thanks again to sweet Lisa (Loo) Pietersma for making my fragmentary (trashy) ideas into poetry!

jTucked up in the mountains is a small-town mythology. It is made of twisted dreams paved in asphalt to the centre of a sacred grove; a re-interpretation of old stories. It is told through bonfires, mud-bogging, crushed beer cans, and cover girl lipstick. The stories, paintings, and spectacles reflect how we see ourselves through the pangs of love, longing, friendship, and boredom.

The show remembers what it was like to grow up in a small community—where cultural codes are invented at random. It examines the idea of complicity through compassion, family, and social ties. It illuminates the secret societies created after dark and the submissive acceptance of these societies by the normal townsfolk during their waking daylight hours. 

Tucked up in the mountains is an exploration of contradiction/disconnect and the concept of captivity in the midst of sublime expanses. How else to explain a Bengal tiger caged by plastic deer fencing, surrounded by pine trees, and mocked by drunken visitors in the interior of BC? Or one woman's desire, "to kiss it goodnight every night before bed"?

But for all this, Tucked up in the mountains is also a celebration. One of childhood, the strength of friendships, of sharing and of rituals. It encompasses the beauty in suffering and community. Ultimately, it celebrates self-discovery: whether as a child exploring nature with your dog, or as an adolescent tearing up this nature with the wheels of a pimple-covered boy’s 4x4.

Through the installation of a sacred grove, complete with a cast of characters, theme song and musical performances, visitors to Tucked up in the mountains will be invited to witness and participate in these myths. The spectators will be invited to try on the lives of our small town's heroes and villains, literally through character sketches, masks, and costumes. The stories have been distilled from gossip, observation, and the artist’s own field-research. It is an evening of dance, music, poetry, and masks—worth discovering in the flesh.

Tucked up in the mountains: a small town mythology 
by Frances McKenzie
Presented by queen sleuth design

Gallery Ethecae- 2131 St Catherine E.
2 min from Papineau metro
$7 at the door

Apr. 29: 7h30pm: vernissage 
8h30pm: gallery performance by members of Teen Sleuth, Elliot Gold, Marcin Swoboda, Max Kelly, w/ choreography by Allison Burns. Sets by Reversing Falls, David Simard w/ Mona, and an acoustic set by Teen Sleuth

Apr. 30: 7h30pm: vernissage

8h30pm: gallery performance by members of Teen Sleuth, Elliot Gold, Marcin Swoboda, Max Kelly, w/ choreography by Allison Burns. Sets by Kara Keith, Lovers are people, and Mourning Coup. 
Tucked up in the mountains is the work of multidisciplinary artist Frances McKenzie. Frances is the art director/ production designer for Teen Sleuth & the Freed Cyborg Choir, an award winning music-based multidisciplinary production. Teen Sleuth had successful runs in the 2009 Fringe Festival and Pop Montréal. Frances' puppets, costumes, and video/animated projections brought the songs' lyrical imagery to life.
Tucked up in the mountains will be exhibited at Gallery Ethecae (2131 St Catherine E.) The vernissage will consist of two evenings (April 29 & 30), where there will be a performance piece featuring music, masks, dance, and installation. The vernissage begins at 7h30 and performances commence at 8h30 sharp.

The theme music to Tucked up in the mountains was written by Ellen Smallwood (Creative Director/ Writer/ Co-musical Director/ Composer for Teen Sleuth) and will be performed by herself, Aleks Schürmer (Creative Director for Party like it's 1699, Co-musical Director/ Composer & Keyboardist for Teen Sleuth), and additional Teen Sleuth membersThe spectacle will also feature music by Schürmer aka Elliot Gold; composition and performance by violist Marcin Swoboda; and banjo player Max Kelly. Choreography will be by Allison Burns (Dancing in My Unbirthday Suit, Inertia Productions, Teen Sleuth), Heather Keiller (Choreographer, Stage Director of Teen Sleuth), Lydia Jenvey (teen sleuth, finnisant Ladmmi ecole de dance contemporaine) and dancer Maya Acker.

Following these spectacles, each evening will feature a unique line-up of bands. April 29 will be Reversing Falls, David Simard w/ Mona, and an acoustic set by Teen Sleuth. April 30 will be Kara Keith, Lovers are People, and Mourning Coup.

We cordially invite you to immerse yourself in our sacred grove; to tuck yourself up in the mountains and to come back again, asking: "what was that that just happened?"

Tucked up in the mountains: a small town mythology 
by Frances McKenzie
Presented by queen sleuth design

Gallery Ethecae- 2131 St Catherine E.
2 min from Papineau metro
$7 at the door

Apr. 29: 7h30pm: vernissage 
8h30pm: gallery performance by members of Teen Sleuth, Elliot Gold, Marcin Swoboda, Max Kelly, w/ choreography by Allison Burns. Sets by Reversing Falls, David Simard w/ Mona, and an acoustic set by Teen Sleuth

Apr. 30: 7h30pm: vernissage

8h30pm: gallery performance by members of Teen Sleuth, Elliot Gold, Marcin Swoboda, Max Kelly, w/ choreography by Allison Burns. Sets by Kara Keith, Lovers are people, and Mourning Coup.