Monday, September 19, 2011


Vancouver you exhaust me with your handsome musicians, unreliable friends and late night dance parties. Lets be honest you're a flake. Yeah your looks are nice but you are shallow and leave me wanting more, some grit, some reliability. I could climb to the peaks of your mountains all day but only my body would strain and at your highest heights I would scream into your sublimity, "who are you!". Fuck you Vancouver if I wasn't pinned down by school I would leave you shivering in your false airs.

This picture is an illustration of who you are...even on the underbelly of the lion's gate bridge the paint is freshly laid and resistant of the elements and only one poor fool has had the courage to leave his silver piss stain down(art). How do you maintain your pristine exterior?

...and why do you want to?