Monday, May 16, 2011

Paintings from New Mexico

feminist horror revisited

I totally think it is wrong to post this but it just so perfectly illustrates a point
I am F......G will go nameless

how are you?

F-hey...great..what's going on?

G-not too much just chillin drinkin beer
what's new with you?

F-how's baby?and wifey?

G-Just got wifey new titties and the kid turns 2 tommorow

F-what the fuck does that mean

G-We had a big shaker for him yesterday

F-new titties?

G-boob job

F-gross...that's why I don't live there and have no regrets about leaving

G-why boobs?

F-I don't know anyone else who would refer to his wife's breasts as titties.....she's breast feeding your child
no your mentality

G-ha hahah hahah a ha no she isn't

F-its not funny....

G-you are not funny

F-that was a bit harsh I apologize

G-thank you

F-I just find that kind of language really frustrating...maybe you can understand that

G-I didn't mean to offend

F-aight...I'm going to sleep take care