Friday, November 18, 2011

I love my friend

This is an Ode to my friend Clinton Debogorski, cause he makes me laugh, he's brilliant and we've done a lot of growing up together. Thank you to the north for creating such and original and intricate man...
To see the full video in all its hilarity

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rebel Valentine Video

The idea aesthetically was to make the video look retro, as though she was getting ready to go onstage, a teaser by a teaser....
I love it, the sound is taken from one of Rebel  Valentines' live shows, which I think enhances the atmosphere...hopefully giving the viewer the desire to be there live.

....and comm'on we filmed it in my bedroom with a bedside lamp..not love video textures!

Friday, October 28, 2011

A week off!

the thematic of the thanksgiving week was most certainly empty glasses, no matter how quickly they were filled, they reverted to their natural state.

Aiden working out wooden block mysteries.

A fine example

To the islands


A Seaworthy perspective

Martine as an Angel

La guelle

Friday, October 21, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Brilliant Poster

Dinner in Surrey....held this surprise
I love everything about it...especially the throats moving towards the mouths...
and just the general sentiment.....

Friday, October 7, 2011

illustrator identity project

"Defying the Everyday"

~and keeping the artsy bullshit alive, even in the world of design!


"Every sin is the result of a collaboration."

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

After a semester of collaborative video projects I am interpreting this in a totally different manner... it makes me giggle. I enjoy the idea of sin-ly the results. 

Monday, September 19, 2011


Vancouver you exhaust me with your handsome musicians, unreliable friends and late night dance parties. Lets be honest you're a flake. Yeah your looks are nice but you are shallow and leave me wanting more, some grit, some reliability. I could climb to the peaks of your mountains all day but only my body would strain and at your highest heights I would scream into your sublimity, "who are you!". Fuck you Vancouver if I wasn't pinned down by school I would leave you shivering in your false airs.

This picture is an illustration of who you are...even on the underbelly of the lion's gate bridge the paint is freshly laid and resistant of the elements and only one poor fool has had the courage to leave his silver piss stain down(art). How do you maintain your pristine exterior?

...and why do you want to?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

YouTube page
Browse and enjoy!

Body Extensions

This is an on-going creative collaboration with photographer Dasha Lushnikova, ( It is concerned with feminism and Marshal Mcluhan's ideas of the mechanical bride. The project examines the ways in which we desire to extend the limitations of our bodies through objects, architecture and technology.

Heart Stop-Motion

A  stop-animation video done a year or two ago for the Teen Sleuth Copy Paste video.
Done with a simple cheap digital camera, hand drawn cut-outs and a desk lamp.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Strange Faces on the Commercial Drive

These photos are from the photo shoot that Dasha Lushnikova and I did on Commercial Drive for Mainly Main Magazine..They turned out beautiful and look even better in print....

This mask series is an effort to work through and revisit the archetypes and social structures I encountered as a child growing up in the boonies of British Columbia.  The masks develop their own unique characters, each one serving as an individual conduit which channels the wearer into the small-town mythology.  And, most importantly, they transport the unmasked as well.  Everydayness is caught off guard.  The boredom, alienation and complacency are shaken back to life with strangeness.  Thank you for all the smiles on Commercial Drive!

Thanks to Sonia Zagwyn and Clinton Debogorski for their help!

Juvenile Hall and Blondewich Poster

They said retro 50s housewife type imagery, then jello mold imagery was stuck in my head. So lush shiny and congealed. While looking at imagery online I kept noticing the hands of these pulp fiction murder-essses and wanted more....that was about it the fonts are retro hand painted and scanned. Perhaps it is a bit usual but I am slowly weaning myself from the chaos that is my nature.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Photoshop Poster

Hidden Towers Poster...
just a student project and wasn't actually applied.

My first Photoshop pastiche, the influences were The Dust Bowl, Grapes of Wrath, type writer font and a general ominous feel....